Spiritual Creativity

Posted: December 12, 2010 in coursework

So what is “Spiritual Creativity”?

Empty your mind and allow inspiration to come to you. It may lead you in a different path than if you just begin a project without thinking about it first.

Become inspired by one of Oprah Winfrey’s daily inspirations. Ruth Ross said, “There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes. It’s what we do with them that’s important.”

There are only 3 basic colors, out of which you can create a whole spectrum of different shades and hues. With them you can decide what mood you want a room to have, then just by painting the walls you have set the tone. By painting a picture with a subdued color range you reflect a quiet feeling, and you started with only 3 colors.

Numbers are 0 to 9. You can add, subtract, divide, or combine them. You can use them to number your thoughts, balance your checkbook, or add up your grocery bill. The options are infinite.

Musical notes are amazing. From just 7 notes (C,D,E,F,G,A,and B) you can play Beethoven or Billy Joel, John Denver or Dizzy Galespie. You can play in a minor key and make it moody or pensive, or choose a major key and brighten a room full of people.

You choose. You can choose to sit on the couch and watch television or glue some tiles on a board and make a mosaic coffee table.

Choose to go outside and take a box of weeds and turn it into an overflowing aromatic flower box, or, stay inside and turn your dark depressing basement into a bright and sunny get away spot. You can sit down with your favorite instrument and take your mood from sad to happy, or gloomy to thoughtful.

When you aren’t sure how to use these few gifts of colors, digits, and notes, a little quiet meditation can inspire that spiritual creativity you are looking for.




Your spiritual nature allows you to create your life in a variety of methods. Today we are going to look at a creative process called Have-Do-Be from the spiritual perspective of unity and love. This perspective on life says that we are not separate entities unto ourselves but that we are one with God and created in the image and likeness of God.

When you look at life from this vantage point you understand that you are not just your body, but that you are a three part being made up of mind, body and spirit. The body works in conjunction with the mind and the soul in the creative process.

The soul conceives (thought), the mind creates (word) and the body experiences (deed). So, the body is assigned the doingness activities, and “doingness” is a function of the body.

However, the paradigm of life that is based on the concept of separation says that what we do, in and of itself, is enough for us to know about the life process. We do things to get things. These things allow us to feel good about ourselves. We are conditioned to believe that we are not responsible for the way we feel. Our reactive activities (what we do) in response to events and circumstances are the cause for how we feel. This causes us to feel that we are limited in our choices.

Our best system of reaction is to access our memory to see what we did in response to a similar past experience. We modify that to fit the present stimuli and take a course of action that is in alignment with it. Then we do this and we do that. We do do.

The paradigm of love and unity takes a different approach because we don’t depend entirely on the body’s reactions to events. In this theory of life we are in balance with the soul, the mind and the body. Each is equally important and each has a function to serve in the process.

What we find in the paradigm of oneness is that not only is “doingness a function of the body”, but that “beingness is a function of the soul.” Instead of thinking only of the body, as we do within the paradigm of separation, we are also concerned with the soul (the conceiver) and the mind, (the creator).

The paradigm of love and unity tells us that we are not here to discover or react to events, but are here to create ourselves anew as we desire ourselves to “be.” It tells us that the purpose of our lives is whatever we create it to “be.” What we wish it to “be” is entirely up to us. And it is in this “beingness” that we get to experience (do) the events and circumstances we create.

In this paradigm we see that “beingness creates doingness,” not the other way around. That is, what we do is a function of what we are being. We need to put our emphasis on what we are being, not on what we are doing. Once we establish what part of our beingness we wish to experience, then the universe will show us how to do that.

We shift the creative paradigm from “Have-Do-Be” to “Be-Do-Have.” This is why we consider ourselves to be “human beings,” not “human doings.”

When you live unconsciously, as most of us do in the paradigm of separation and fear, you are unaware that this Be-Do-Have process is ongoing. When you are being hungry you eat (do) in order to have nourishment. When you are being tired, you go to sleep (do) to have a rested body.

Much of what we do seems to be an automatic response to what we are being at the time and we leave it up to the mind (creator) to cause this to happen. We continually change and with this comes a change in what we are being.

The more consciously we live the more we can focus on what we are being. The mind receives our state of beingness and signals the body to respond to this by some form of doingness. This is attained by an automatic doingness to reflect a state of beingness, or by a willful doingness to reflect a state of beingness that is to be attained. Either way, the paradigm is “beingness creates doingness.”

This is another chance for us to use the paradigm of love and oneness to create who we are and determine who we wish to be. The key is to go inside and establish the highest thought about your Self. Then imagine the person you would “be” if you lived that thought every day.

If that person is kind, then “be” kindness. If that person is wise, then “be” wisdom. If that person is a healer, then “be” healing. It is entirely up to you. Seek to determine who you wish to “be” and then think those thoughts every day.

Persevere and be persistent in your thinking and the “beingness creates doingness” function will start showing up and you will find yourself “doing” things that are in alignment with what you are “being.” Sometimes this is subtle stuff but one day you will wake up and realize that you are acting differently. You will draw people and circumstances to you that align with your “beingness.” Actually you do that now, but if you are living unconsciously you are not aware of it.

It’s the creative process at work and it works in strange and wondrous ways, its miracles to perform. Don’t get sucked into thinking that what you do is exactly what you think you should be doing if you are in alignment with your beingness.

Don’t put limits on the process of life. Allow the universe to provide the right and perfect people, places and things to show up in your life. Don’t judge them. Accept them and bless them as part of your creation, because indeed, that is what they are.

Amazon’s SCAMPER

Posted: December 12, 2010 in coursework

One of the most popular creativity methods in my Ideas Workshop is SCAMPER.  It is a productive and versatile technique for generating innovative ideas for your product or service.  It forces you to look at your offering from seven different perspectives.  SCAMPER is an acronym and you ask the following types of question when you use this tool.

And this is the Amazon SCAMPER according to my thought :

  • Substitute: ordinary book store with online shop
  • Combine: internet and business
  • Adapt: major globalization in internet world, with conventional business
  • Maximize or minimize: maximize the marketing strategy by selling worldwide
  • Put to other use: make internet facilities to become business tools
  • Eliminate: barrier about selling face to face
  • Rearrange or reverse: rearrange the book selection process

amazon business model

Posted: December 12, 2010 in coursework

Amazon.coms recent forays into Internet services have puzzled many analysts and investors. There is great concern that the company is spending way too much time, effort, and money so far removed from and potentially at the expense of its core retail operations. Amazon spent a decade, and billions of dollars, building its e-commerce platform to the point where it reached massive success. So why, Wall Street wants to know, is Amazon so intent on moving beyond retail?

The answer, we believe, is that Jeff Bezos understands that the key to sustained success is business model innovation. Amazon has deftly moved into new categories and new markets with flexibility and creativity. They consistently look for ways to leverage core capabilities and monetize excess capacity to create potentially disruptive businesses. Undoubtedly, Amazon must be sure to keep its core retailing operation healthy and should not over-commit to new ventures before they prove profitable, but investors should take comfort in the fact that Bezos has an uncanny knack for this most elusive of innovation disciplines.

Consider Amazons corporate evolution: as soon as it established itself as a leading online book seller it began leveraging the platform and infrastructure it built to move into new categories, and in a matter of years became a full-fledged online department store and the webs premiere retailer. Amazon has also leveraged its online real estate and customer base, establishing itself as a broker of transactions and leaser of web space to other retailers. These profitable initiatives have generated synergies that fortify Amazons core business selling other merchants books, for example, vastly expands Amazons catalog, making the site ever more of a one-stop shop while contributing to the overall growth of the business.

Now, Amazon is further unbundling its finely-honed core capabilities and leveraging its world-class core assets. A recent Business Week article describes their latest initiatives a series of calculated moves intended to transform latent capacity and aptitude into profit centers that strengthen the overall business and plant seeds that might grow into disruptive blockbusters. Notice how each initiative solves an important Job to be Done, in comparison to market alternatives:

Elastic Compute Cloud: Amazon leases computing horsepower over the web; the equivalent of one server costs about 10 cents an hour. Computing-hungry startups can make expensive capital equipment investments by buying their own servers or can lease the processing power they need when they need it at a very low cost leasing a full year of power equivalent to one server would cost just $876.

Simple Storage Service: Amazon leases digital storage at 15 cents per gigabyte per month. Buy backup drives or zap it over to Amazon for a buck eighty a gig a year.

Amazon Mechanical Turk: Amazon matches up online temp workers with companies that need menial tasks done. There are some menial, frustrating tasks that any bozo on the street can do easily but that computers just cant do right; when these tasks present themselves companies can either hire interns, tie up their low-level employees with mindless work, or, in some cases, simply leave loose ends untied. Now they can have Amazon connect them with an online temp painlessly, rapidly and at a miniscule cost.

Fulfillment by Amazon: End-to-end e-commerce operations and logistics. Companies can operate their own e-commerce operations and frequent eBay sellers can buy new shelving units for their garage and wait in line at the post office everydayor they can outsource part or all of the process to the worlds most efficient e-commerce logistician. Amazon warehouses merchandise and handles orders, payments, and shipping.

Will all or any of these new ventures grow into blockbuster businesses? That remains to be seen. At the very least Amazon is laying groundwork for a role in the digital future and casting its bets in the hopes of landing something substantial. This aggressively forward-thinking corporate mindset is exemplary, as it generates multiple revenue streams, unlocks new growth opportunities, and could lead to the transformation of markets; it may well transform earths biggest retailer into the premiere web services company.

Open innovation

“Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology”. The boundaries between a firm and its environment have become more permeable; innovations can easily transfer inward and outward. The central idea behind open innovation is that in a world of widely distributed knowledge, companies cannot afford to rely entirely on their own research, but should instead buy or license processes or inventions (i.e. patens) from other companies. In addition, internal inventions not being used in a firm’s business should be taken outside the company

Rather than being held closely within the firm, under the concept of open innovation research results are able to traverse the firm’s boundaries. Other companies that are able to utilize a technology can license it, creating a win-win situation. Similarly, the firm may be able to license the technologies created by other firms. This concept of open innovation is illustrated in the following diagram:

Open Innovation Concept

This diagram uses dashed lines to illustrate that the boundaries of the firm are porous. The lines exiting the firm represent technologies that are licensed to other firms and that otherwise would have gone unutilized (they were the red lines in the closed innovation diagram). The lines entering the firm represent outside technologies that are licensed to the firm. These are technologies that did not originate in the firm’s own research laboratories but nonetheless are useful in the firm’s core business.


Open business model

Open Business represents a concept of doing business in a transparent way by intimately integrating an ecosystem of participants, collaborating in public space.

Open Business structures make contributors and non-contributors visible such that the business benefits are distributed accordingly.

They activate personal engagement and productivity by benefitting the contributors and producers that they can live from it and helping the clients to reduce their costs.

The definition is inspired by open movements, open content principles, open tools and standards

It mainly focuses on creating `open´ products and/or services.

This approach claims to be for the benefit of all and not just for one group or stakeholders, whether shareholders, personnel, government etc.

The risk of bankruptcy of such open-movement businesses is reduced due to the fact, that the fruits of their work remain in the commons and therefore remain as a permanent base for recovering the open business, even in their most critical situations.

The open source business model relies on shifting the commercial value away from the actual products and generating revenue from the ‘Product Halo,’ or ancillary services like systems integration, support, tutorials and documentation.)

This focus on the product halo is rooted in the firm understanding that in the real-world, the value of software lies in the value-added services of the product halo and not in the product or any intellectual property that the product represents.

In actuality, the value of software products approaches zero in the fast-paced, highly-customized, ever-changing world of information technology.

But it is not simply an acknowledgement of the revenue streams generated by the product halo that makes open source a compelling business strategy.

Open source also cuts down on essential research and development costs while at the same time speeding up delivery of new products.

This paradoxical situation arises from the fact that within an open source project, the community members themselves provide free research and development by contributing new solutions, features, and ideas back to the community as a whole. The company that sits at the center of any successful open source project may reap the rewards of the work of thousands of highly-skilled developers without paying them a cent.

A final strength of the open source business model lies in its ability to market itself.

Because open source products are typically released for free, open source companies that can produce quality products and generate a good reputation can almost immediately grab huge shares of any market based on the complex and far-reaching global referral networks generated by users.

In fact, in the web technology space, almost every global standard has been based upon open source technology.

By using the open source technology model, we can create a superior product, which immediately has a competitive advantage, and which generates multiple scalable revenue streams while being freely available throughout the community.


Open Business represents a concept of doing business in a transparent way by intimately integrating an ecosystem of participants, collaborating in public space.

Open Business structures make contributors and non-contributors visible such that the business benefits are distributed accordingly.

They activate personal engagement and productivity by benefitting the contributors and producers that they can live from it and helping the clients to reduce their costs.

in my journey of my life, the most important innovation is when i become the head committee of business game in 2007,

In that time, the business game always held in indoors, so there is some drawbacks for that event, such as lack of customer to come in participants stand. in 2007, i organize the program to be outdoors,with the stand in open area, every participants, have a bigger space to perform their work/product to sell,

Many people from outside SBM can easily see and go to everyone stands. this decision make the sales of every stand rise from the average sales in 2006, so the overall profit is higher than 2006 bizzgame.


I think the most innovative nation in the whole world is Singapore,

Singapore  has a highly developed and successful free-market economy. It enjoys a remarkably open and corruption-free environment, stable prices, and a per capita GDP higher than that of most developed countries. Singapore also is the world’s most innovative nation.

Real GDP growth averaged 7 per cent between 2004 and 2007, but dropped to 1.2 per cent in 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis.

GDP (purchasing power parity): $240 billion

GDP – real growth rate: 1.2%

Labour force: 2.96 million

Unemployment rate: 2.3%

Inflation rate (consumer prices): 4.3%

Industries: Electronics, chemicals, financial services, oil drilling equipment, petroleum refining, rubber processing and rubber products, processed food and beverages, ship repair, offshore platform construction and life sciences.

Exports: $235.8 billion

Imports: $219.5 billion

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $168.8 billion

I think the most innovative business in the world is Nokia,

The first Nokia century began with Fredrik Idestam’s paper mill on the banks of the Nokianvirta river. Between 1865 and 1967, the company would become a major industrial force; but it took a merger with a cable company and a rubber firm to set the new Nokia Corporation on the path to electronics.

The newly formed Nokia Corporation was ideally positioned for a pioneering role in the early evolution of mobile communications. As European telecommunications markets were deregulated and mobile networks became global, Nokia led the way with some iconic products…

In 1992, Nokia decided to focus on its telecommunications business. This was probably the most important strategic decision in its history.

As adoption of the GSM standard grew, new CEO Jorma Ollila put Nokia at the head of the mobile telephone industry’s global boom – and made it the world leader before the end of the decade.

meaning of name achmad reyhan

Posted: October 10, 2010 in coursework

the meaning word of achmad reyhan.

achmad can be interpret  as life in livelihood peaceful condition which is influenced by surrounding family and friends, free to live and in the exact time try to get the happiness that can be build in a conclusion as a perfect situation

reyhan can be interpret  as Firmness that also build my leadership skills, at he mean time the effectiveness about the relation leadership and firmness will also create a wisdom to the people all around. this effect have a direct impact about my influence and power to the society, with all my greatest influence i can gain even more power to become more prosper for my self and other.

achmad is my family name, all the sons from my great grand father use achmad in order to carry out our family heritage.

and reyhan, in islam world can be mean as a heaven scent. so i can be a rise top among others.

Hello world!

Posted: October 4, 2010 in coursework

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